Thursday, December 2, 2010

To text or not to text.... That is the question

Have you ever gotten in trouble for texting in class? Was it fair? What's the deal with cellphones in schools anyway? Why is this such an issue in the first place? Does it need to be?


  1. i've gotten in trouble for texting in class while we were doing regular work. i don't find it fair if it's not disrupting the class and i'm still getting my work done, why should i get it taken away? student's should be allowed to use their cell phones in class if its not disrupting anything or anyone & if its not used for cheating and stuff.

  2. I've never gotten caught texting in class. But I got friends who did, which wasn't fair. I personally think people should be able to text if they still get their work done(or as homework) and if it's not during a test or when the teacher is talking.
    There are some schools that already allow texting. They accept the technologies.

    Some teachers have used their cells during school, shouldn't students as well?

  3. I have gotten caught once or twice, but have never had it actually taken away. I think that as long as we are keeping up with our work, we should be able to use them. If you're disrupting the class or are falling behind though, I believe they should be taken away.

  4. I think the act of texting in itself is unfair. Can't it wait? Get your work done. Participate in class. Text later. It won't kill you. Teachers don't like getting mad at their students for using their cellphones during class. If they see you texting they don't know that you've been working. They don't know you're almost done. They know you aren't working, you aren't helping someone who doesn't understand, and you probably aren't asking the person you're texting for answers. Teachers get paid whether you text or not. It's out of respect for themselves that they tell you not to text. It's because they care for you that they tell you not to text. They know texting in class is being rude, especially when they told you not to, and they know what they're teaching you is important.


    Check out this video it shows learning on cell phones and people getting smarter.

  6. Cell phones should be allowed in and during class as long as you are using them appropriately and not disrupting the class.

  7. Cellphones in the Classroom
    I think that cellphones should be allowed in class to a certain extent. if they are out during a class discussion, i think they should get taken away.

  8. I think your are aloud to text in calls only when the studend is done his or her work and the teacher is not giveing instruction to the class.

  9. I never got caught with my cellphone, but people in my class have. I think if you are finished your work and there is nothing else to do, then you are aloud to text, but if you are always behind in your work, or slacking in your work then your cellphone should not be used when in class!

  10. I've had my phone taken away a number of times, but my opinion is we should be able to use it if it's not bothering anyone, and if you still get your work done, and its not fair when they say, "they'll take it away when they see it" SEE IT.... Not when they see you looking at it. it's so rude, and it's also dumb when they take it away when you aren't even texting? like k? they think they know what you're doing with it, and they don't. I get what they mean when you're using it while they're talking, and when you're doing like serious crunch time work, but regular slack work shouldn't be a problem. i don't get why teachers over do the whole cell phone thing. If they didn't, this question wouldn't be asked..

  11. it's so stupid that teachers don't allow cell phones in class. if it's not distracting anybody and you're keeping up with the work, it's pointless to take it away. i've, personally, never been caught with my phone so i've never had it taken away. i barely use it during class anyway. i understand that if cell phones are preventing people from working that they should have their cell phones taken away, that's explainable.

  12. I think we should be alowed to have cell phones in the class room, because it help's to make notes and with a calculator. I have bin caught texting and have gotten mt phone taken away. I was very mad cause i wan't making a scene or anything! Cell phones should be alowed in class if your working hard and getting your work done!And if your not working and makeing a scene it should be taken away.

  13. cell phones shouldn't be aloud in class if they are a distraction to students but if they are not distracting others or disrupting the class then i think they should be aloud.

  14. I have been cought with a cell phone and had my phone taken away many times. I think it's stupid how we cant text in class but we can talk/whipser to the person next to you, and more often than not, you dont get in trouble for it also a cell phone is much quieter than talking to someone near you. Using a cell phone in class should be allowed if your not using it to cheat or destracting the class with it.

  15. i think cell phone should be allowed in class as long as they dont talk and the ringer is off. i think texting should be allowed during work because if the person texting falls behind its their own fault
    hIpPo :)

  16. Cell phones in the classroom. Honestly I don't see what the big deal is. In my opinion, as long as no one is using it to cheat on a test or talk on the phone when you're supposed to be quiet, what's the problem? If someone isn't paying attention because they are using their phone during a lecture, its their problem, because it is them who is going to suffer in the long run, and if you take away thier phone, they will most likely find something else to do that will probably be a lot less appropriate and much more disruptive. If the person is using their phone but not bothering anyone, then its a step up from what most kids are doing in class.

  17. Cell phones should be allowed to be used in class, if it's not distracting anyone then why should it not be allowed. Some kids use cell phones as an agenda so your gonna take away their phone because they are writing their homework on their calendar. If were not falling behind in our work why should you take it away if your still doing good in your classes. if the teacher is talking then yea using your phone at that time is rude but after he/she is done talking then you should be allowed to use your phones as long as you are getting your work done. if you are starting to stop working because your texting the whole time then yea the teacher should take your phone away but if your doing your work and working hard and staying focused in class they should be allowed.

  18. I think that cell phones should not be allowed in the class room because it disrupts the class and the lesson plan from the teacher. It also interupts the learning of the students in the class, but the arguement could go both ways. I also think that cell phones should be allowed in the class because what happens if that student needs to take a important call, about a loved one in the hospital. I know that sounds really bad and you might be thinking that is another excuse to use cell phones, but it is not. Also when we take out our phone to check the time the teacher should not take our phane away from us they should give us a warning first and then take it away afterwards. Those are just some of my many opions about cell phones.

  19. i think i agree with the teachers to a point, you shouldnt be texting while you are working and while the teacher is talking . but i also think that if you are done your work and are not disrupting the class in anyway then you should be aloud to text. i see both sides of the story so it doesnt really matter ..

  20. if you get your work done and there is time I think that you should be allowed to use you phone and I-pods in class. the only thing that you can use you electronic device is if you are doing a test or an exam or if you are in gym class

  21. no cell phones should be allowed in class!!!!

  22. Clearly if you students spent less time on your cell phones you could focus more time learning to SPELL! Let your teachers do their jobs, they are there to teach you, not to supervise cell phone use! Nothing is so important that it can't wait until after class.

  23. Some of us have commitments in and around the community that require us to stay in contact with bosses and co-workers. How do we do it? Cell phones and texting! We don't use it just to talk to friends. Some of us use it for actual jobs and business. We have ALL done it, and those who have cell phones and say they have never texted in class are most likely lying. Cell phones will NEVER be completely out of classrooms. We are in the 21st century people. Technology will only increase. The amount of technology in classrooms, for student AND teachers, will only increase. I say that schools get their head on straight, and realize that they will never be able to completely take away cellphone usage. So as long as we aren't disrupting the class, and as long as we are learning, let us use it! If we are failing because of the phone, that is our fault.

  24. As a teacher, I do see the benefit of using cell phones in class. I admit it. I have had students who entered important dates and reminders in their calendars, students who texted their parents to bring in their project they promised me, and even using their BlackBerry to find important information to prove a point during a class discussion. This is cell-phone use for good!

    However...what happens when students use cell-phones for evil? I have also had the students who text their friends to meet them at Esso after school, to flirt with their significant other, or to play brick-breaker...while I am teaching, or when another student 'has the floor'? It's fine to say it's the student's responsibility to get their work done, and it does not show disrespect to the teacher or the other students, but I am truly wondering...'whatever happened to good ol'-fashioned manners?' I think SOME students are sadly lacking...

    Maybe, I'll start texting and making some phonecalls while I am marking your presentation in front of the class. I'll finish marking it...eventually.

    However, do you think I will do a good job in assessing your presentation...

  25. Well I say if you are a good student, getting your work done and not disrupting the class... Text away. Just sayin'...

  26. i think that cell phones should not be allowed in the school at all. In the middel school, phones are taken away from the students is they are just caught with it. If a student is buy texting away during class, how much attention are they paying to the teacher? I would be curios to know what kind of grades that the"texting" students are achieving.Not great i bet. Cells phones should not be allowed in the class room.

  27. teachers baby us too much and i think we should be more responsible for our education. teachers text in class and we can't say anything. i have at least two teachers who i've caught on a regular basis. we should be able to take the fall for our work not being done if we want. they have no right to take our property. i have never had this done to me but i think it's still stupid. my GPA is 92% and i text VERY often. my grades are doing just fine.

  28. for everyone who doesn't like cell phones in class then don't bring yours! leave everyone else alone

  29. cellphones ftw like totaly sweetness i luvs my cellfone its totaly np in clas c u late b4 now :)

  30. i can understand if someone is comepltely not paying attention but most of the time it takes liek 5 seconds to send everything that yuow ant to say. like takeing away during a test or if the student was already being disrespectful then they deserve to take their cellphone taken away but takeing them away shouldnt give a teach a right to tell you that you cant have it back till the end of the day or until your parents come get it because you pay for that and when you are in your next class they arent incharge of you anymore. the next teacher is.

  31. Why have a cell phone? Of course the excuse is emergencies. And how many of you actually have emergencies. never. its a distraction cause u guys cant handle the responcibility of having a phone. You have to text your freinds, have to all ways have it on. Get rid of them!

  32. we should be able to allowed for educational purposes and texting is minor but if u have internet use it

  33. i agree that we should be able to use cell phones in class !

  34. ^ I dont think it's a problem if we are getting our work done.

  35. They should be allowed but only to an extent

  36. I think cellphones should be alowed at all tiems in cae of emergency:)

  37. Grade 9 and 10 I can see teachers being more strict with cell phones, but when it comes to grade 11 and 12 teachers should just lay off because students should be maturing and realizing that they need to learn and do well in school to succeed and if they don’t realize that then it’s there loss. Teachers will completely interrupt the class by saying put your phone away or give me your phone, and everyone wonders their eyes to that person and the teacher totally loses the focus of all the students. Sometimes it’s best to just ignore it. Cell phones are a distraction no doubt about it. I just hate it when a teacher says to put your phone away when you have a 92% in their class. It just doesn’t make sense because obviously that person is able to prioritize there life better than the others who are failing and using their cell phone as a distraction. I think if a kid is doing horrible in the class teachers should call the parents of that student and explain that he isn’t doing well in the class and he or she is texting which can really distract them from the work. This leaves the problem out of the teachers hands because it usually is a toy bought by the parents anyways. If he or she continues to text after the phone call that it should be out of the teachers hands. It is a high school teacher’s job to help pass students at the same extent also let them have independence.

  38. The younger generations in our school are getting more and more ignorant and are generally starting to have terrible attitudes. This is partly due to cellphones and Facebook. These aspects of technology allow us to be different people via text, or online. I believe the issue should not be whether cellphones should be allowed in class, but why a student in grade nine or ten actually needs a cellphone. Personally, I got a cellphone when I got a job and started driving: this seems to be a fairly justifiable reason to own a phone. I just don't see why a young student needs to be texting all the time; get out and actually see these people! Call them on the phone and have an actual conversation!
    Texting affects your education negatively: no cellphones in class!

  39. Texting should be up to the student, whether or not they feel that they can keep up with the work in the class. If the teacher is talking then obviously it should be away. But if you have a work period and you are getting your work done but are periodically texting then it shouldnt be a big deal. Students just need to make their own decisions and if at the end of the semester they failed the class because they were always texting and not paying attention, then so be it. Lesson learned.

  40. i've seen teachers use there cell phones during class, so why can't we?

  41. we should be able to use our phones in class because really the only person we are hurting is our selves because it is our education and if we dont pay attention to the teaqcher what does it really matter we are the only ones we ca blame in the end when we fail school because we are texting

  42. I think if you are working and it isnt harming anyones learning it is ok but when you get a phonecall during a test or something then yeah for sure take it. but I would say they should be allowed they arent doing any harm. teachers are just too uptight. ive seen teachers with theres and thats ur property and personal information in it

  43. CELL PHONES SHOULD BE ALLOWED teachers should not be able to take personal property. i am pretty sure in the agenda it says that teachers and students leave other peoples belongings and personal belongings alone.............!!!!!!!!!


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