Thursday, May 5, 2011

What are the most valuable classes at SCI?

What makes them valuable?


  1. Of course, ELA is the most valuable class in the school system!!

  2. I personally feel that ELA Comprehensive is one of the most valuable classes because it helps you even outside of school. I have used my writing, reading and understanding skills that I have learned in that class more than anything else I have used from any other class. Those kinds of skills are used everywhere and anywhere at any time.
    I also believe that consumer math is very useful because it deals with day to day math that an ‘average person’ would use. Consumer math is much more practical compared to applied math or pre calculus. Students who need the other math courses are usually going into specific fields of study, but still need the skills that consumer math has to offer.
    I think physical education is important but who are we kidding? That’s not going to make obese kids skinny. We need to stop thinking that is the reason for child obesity. Speaking of gym, I think for the size of our school we handle our division of the gym classes well between all of our classes.
    World Issue is a WONDERFUL COURSE! Coming out of that class I has a different person, I thought different and I was educated in things I would have never learned about otherwise. I think this class should be MANDITORY. If we had this class as a mandatory class our generation and the next generations to come would be a lot less globally incompetent.

  3. i personally think the most valuable classes at sci are the marine biology course, and l.a . the mandatory classes are obviously important , but they don't stand out over any other schools class line-up.I think that we should have more outgoing classes to show that our school can support really important, and a wide variety of courses.

    Whenever i come to think of the classes i've taken, i regret attending some, but others are very interesting & are something different than another school like ours would have. many students value all their classes, but some are just plain boring..whether it be the teacher, or just the course in general .. no one wants to sit and take notes for an entire class.. every class.

  4. I feel that my spares are the most valuable time during my day because I know that I get more work done on my own then I a class full of distractions, I think that spare is a justifiable class if you use it for school work. For those who do not use it for class time they obviously do not have any valuable class and your mark. If you have a part time job spares are a good time to finish your homework. With –out at least one spare I think we would be really stressed.

  5. i believe that the most valuable class is gym because it makes kids more active and it gives them a break throughout the day to just have fun. also another valuable class would be business too because there teaching you things that will be usefull when your out of school. They teach you on how your going to have to live by yourself after highschool.

  6. Hello, I am a student in grade 10 and I personally think that most classes at SCI are a waste of time. For example, Skill’s is a major waste of time, or so I’ve heard. The shop classes at SCI are a waste of time and some students just take them because they are easy. Classes like business are total fluff, and students just take them because they are extremely easy and students don’t have to put much of an effort in to get a great mark.
    There are a few valuable classes at SCI though, for example the sciences are important for people that plan on going to university. Kids actually try in these classes, because they actually need a good mark in order to get into university. Other classes like pre-cal/applied math are important because students need a good mark in order to get into university. Law is important for kids who plan on taking law in university.

  7. There are many options that are offered in SCI for many different areas. This fact makes answering the question a bit difficult. If I look at what I have taken, I can say that chemistry is important, along with physics (these are things that are literally a part of everyday life because they are all around us.) I think that consumer math can be put into the category of most important classes because it deals with teaching students everyday things, like what happens to our tax dollars, how to figure out mortgages, and payments. These are things we need! I took pre-cal and consumer for the three years I have been here, but in grade 12 I realized I didn’t need pre-cal to get into the field I'm interested in. the only thing I think I’ll ever remember about pre-cal is a2 +b2 = c2 and pi =3.14. Am I actually every going to use all the other stuff I learned in those classes? Probably not, because it only deals with one or two different fields, none of which will ever be important to me. Consumer deals with everyday things, and is quite valuable in the long run. I don’t like the fact that they are changing it to “better suit it as a college or university requirement” it’s already useful, why change it? Usually I believe change is good, and it means moving forward, but in this case it’s not a good idea to get rid of one of the classes that helps students with everyday things.

  8. Hello, I am a student in grade 10 and I personally think that most classes at SCI are a waste of time. For example, Skill’s is a major waste of time, or so I’ve heard. The shop classes at SCI are a waste of time and some students just take them because they are easy. Classes like business are total fluff, and students just take them because they are extremely easy and students don’t have to put much of an effort in to get a great mark.
    There are a few valuable classes at SCI though, for example the sciences are important for people that plan on going to university. Kids actually try in these classes, because they actually need a good mark in order to get into university. Other classes like pre-cal/applied math are important because students need a good mark in order to get into university. Law is important for kids who plan on taking law in university.

  9. I believe that the most valuable class is ELA. It teaches a wide variety of English topics, while always building on prior skills and being flexible for those who are not necessarily at the same level as everyone else. It is important for every person in a class to be at the same level in most situations, but in ELA you may sacrifice this without a large loss to the class. The skills learned in English including essay writing, grammar and spelling are all essential abilities that are recalled during everyday life. Outside of school, these skills translate into seeming more intelligent and logical as a person.
    With these skills people can approach the real world with more confidence and assurance. If someone is able to communicate their ideas smoother, the world functions in a more efficient and reliable way. New ideas can be developed faster with more understandable concepts. Without ELA the foundation for this form of communication would not be there, and millions of people would be uneducated and not ready for working conditions in their futures.

  10. I think that SCI is similar to every single other school, but the only difference is the passion from the teachers. There are some schools in Manitoba that offer additional classes that most schools would not offer. At SCI we offer the basics and if people want all the extras than they’ve got to go to a different school to get them. I think that some of the most valuable classes here at SCI are the Languages arts classes, the family studies classes and Consumer math.
    I personally think that math and sciences are completely pointless classes which make me slightly biased towards my opinion of Language arts which I love. Unless you are pursuing a profession which requires math and science skill, I don’t think that you should have to take them. Language Arts on the other hand give you skills that you can use for the rest of your life. Giving you the capability to properly write a letter to someone of importance, or even writing a resume. All of which are things that all people are going to need to use at some point in their life. I know that I learned how to write a resume back in grade nine and because of my ability to compose a well structured resume I have been able to acquire a job over another eligible candidate. As well I have had to make letters to my bosses and they have expressed how impressed they were with the professionalism of my letters which aided in my invitation to work there the next year. Language Arts is certainly a valuable class to have and with the fantastic teachers that we have here at SCI it makes it all the more worthwhile.
    This year I had the privilege of taking family studies. It taught me a lot about life and things that I would think about in the future such as having a family. It also taught me a lot about children and how to handle them. I enjoyed learning this because I would like to get a job during the summer working at a preschool and being able to have that on my resume is going to look very good and appealing. This class doesn’t teach you about fractions, or how to identify an amoeba under a microscope, but teaches you things that aid in your future and how to deal with them. It introduces scientific aspects to it for a better understanding but teaches you things that you really should and need to know.
    I unfortunately was unable to take Consumer math but have heard many good beneficial things about it. I hear that it gives you a super good understanding of things that apply to your life and things that you need to do as an independent and mature adult. Things like paying bills and calculating taxes. Or discovering the true cost of living and how expensive a house and mortgages are. I think that a class like this would be supremely valuable for your future. It will give you the skills that you need so you don’t have to deal with the surprise or scare of living on your own and the expenses that come along with it.

  11. What are the most valuable classes at SCI? What makes them valuable?

    When we compare SCI to multiple other schools, it seems lacking in the course selection. I find that there are lots of SCI students who will transfer to another school because we do not provide the courses needed. This can sometimes be difficult as not all of us can arrange this in the fact of getting to another school, and so forth. In saying that, SCI does provide some courses that are useful and valuable.
    Some of the courses that SCI provides of which I find in some ways valuable include:
    • Family studies
    • World Issues
    • Law
    • Consumer Mathematics
    I have experienced three of these classes, all which left me with knowledge on the topic. I feel these are considered important because they give you knowledge of which you can apply to your everyday life.
    Family Studies has been helpful to me personally because I plan to one day be an elementary level teacher. Giving me more experience hands on through the pre-school and further understanding on the topic in many ways. I have taken what I learned in family studies and will apply it to my teaching later in life, and have previously already used it when working for Day Care/ Day Camp programs.
    World Issues- Many do not enjoy the world issues class as it sometimes involves large amounts of writing, but in the end it is all worth it. World issues forces you to step out of your bubble and see all the things occurring around you. Not always necessarily affecting your life personally, but in the big picture it affects the world which you live in. You learn that the newspaper is actually not boring, as well as the news on TV, it is rather interesting.
    I feel Consumer Mathematics is also valuable because you learn the math of which you can apply late in your life, for example how to file income tax, which we will soon do each and every year.

  12. While there are many valuable classes at SCI, the most valuable class offered at SCI is consumer math. I, like many other students, had negative stereotypes surrounding the particular course, such as:
    • Slack class
    • Common sense
    • Pointless
    • For “less intelligent” students
    For the past two years I struggled with pre-cal, but this last year I chose to take consumer instead and I believe I made a great decision.
    In my opinion consumer math should be mandatory subject because the concepts you are thought in it actually applies to real life. I found pre-cal boring because I realized that I would never have to use the equations in real life, but I found it much easier to concentrate in consumer math. In consumer math, students are shown how to calculate mortgages, currency exchanges, and life insurance policies.
    Consumer Math is also a great way to boost your average whilst still remaining challenged. A lot of work is independent, but many students can choose to work in groups so they can assist their peers if they do not understand the concepts and vice versa. I personally liked the fact that the majority of the assignments were straight out of the textbook and the class was not super dependant on the teaching ability of the teacher.
    In the two years that I took pre-calculus math, I can honestly say that I don’t recall a single lesson or concept we cover. But I can honestly say that consumer math has greatly planned me map out my future and will assist me during life’s endeavors.

  13. I definitely feel that E.L.A. is the most important class that any school could offer. This class teaches you basically everything. We have been taking E.L.A. classes since we even started school, and little by little we are learning how to read, write and communicate. You need you E.L.A. skills for every single class. You also need them for everything in the outside world, driving and reading signs.
    Another very important class I believe is math. Math teaches you so much common sense that is needed to survive in the world today. The consumer class is very good for that, unlike pre-calculus consumer teaches you about interest, mortgages, how to basically purchase anything and be successful in knowing how to manage a loan or a bank account.
    The other class that I find to be very educational and important is world issues. Before I took this class I will be the first to admit I knew nothing about anything around the world I was just in my own world. This class has really really opened my eyes to understand how the world works outside of just Winnipeg, or Canada. It has showed me how politics and everything work all around the world.

  14. There are many valuable school subjects that will help us in the real world. I believe the most valuable subject that helps us in the real world is English. This is an important subject because without it you would not be able to communicate with other individuals.
    Grammar is very important in life. It helps you communicate properly with individuals and prepares you for situations that might occur in your life. You need these skills for such things as job applications, letters, essays, and many more. If you did not have grammar you would not know what the proper ways on communication and writing.
    Yes you do many pointless things in la we all can agree but, you do learn valuable things which prepare you for life and teach you the proper ways of doing certain writing or communicating pieces. If you didn’t have English classes you would not even know how to spell or use punctuation. This would not benefit you in the real world because most careers require writing and communication. There will not be one career where you don’t use some form of communication with other individuals. If you do not have the knowledge of that then you will not succeed in life.
    English will help you succeed in life and benefit you in the long run of a career. There are many valuable subjects in education that help benefit us in the real world, but to me English is the most important. This course helps us succeed and move forward in life because of what it offers.

  15. I think that E.L.A and Math are the most important classes. Without Language arts none of us would be able to read or write. Lots of people use E.L.A outside of school; to write a letter, read a book, and to even communicate with people. Without it we have a hard time getting jobs. Math is also really important. Over half the jobs in the world you need math. You need it to count money recognize colors and patterns and count.
    In my case the most valuable classes for me to get into medical school is either applied or pre calculus and all my sciences; Biology Chemistry and Physics.

  16. The most valuable class that I feel that is offered in are school is our history course. Meaning Western Civilization, Law and World Issues. As a student that has taken all of these courses I feel that they have benefited me more than any of the compulsory courses that I have taken. The ways that it has benefited me is that it has made me more aware of what is going on in the world and wanting to participate in the debates about the changes of the world. With all these subjects clear in your mind you get a better understanding of what needs to be done and changed in the world and the limits that we have to explore it. It has also benefitted me in the fact that I am able to understand why certain cultures act the way they do and why we are still having issues with them today. It open your eyes to a world that most people skip over because it is not about are present time and what benefits them. With that I am able to have a set thing in my mind and not let stereotypes take over my perception of people and the way they act. With these courses I feel that people come out with a more mature attitude towards the events of the world and the people on this planet and that they are more willing than before to actually search a subject and assume it is true then just take someone else’s word. With these course you find a interest and most who do have found a job in those fields because something clicked that made them want to do this as a career. So as a whole these courses help you grow up and possibly help you in your future career choices that you may make in life.

  17. I personally think MATH is the most valuable class. Why? because no matter what you do in life, you're going to need math for EVERYTHING!!!!! Taxes, shopping, thing else that involves money... you need math for LIFE!

  18. there are no valuable classes at sci, if i had to absolutely choose one it would be lunch

  19. I am a student in grade 10 and I thing speer time is a good time because if your staying behind in a class you can use the speer time to get some work done or if you have nothing to do you can go on a computer.


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