Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What do you think about our school spirit?

With the SCI School Spirit Grade Wars just around the corner. What do you think of SCI's school spirit? And what does school spirit mean to you? ...Thanks to Mrs. McCormick-Murta's Grade 12 ELA 40S Trans Class for this post idea


  1. I think Spirit Week is a little... weird. Some of the events are geared towards certain groups, and the other people feel left out. I give them credit for trying, but they need to find an activity that everybody likes! Most people who think they're too "cool" are usually not participating because they don't want to be embarassed by doing silly activities. If they were a little less embarrassing I think more people would participate.

  2. I feel people are left out and don’t want to be embarrassed. Most students, I feel, do not want to go out of their way to do anything, because we’re lazy. This is the truth though however. “Hat Day” is a popular one because it’s bending the regular rules. That is a good idea especially with summer rolling around and the ball caps come out and the cute French hats the girls wear. Spirit week is not about showing school spirit anymore; we should half to wear SCI colours, shirts, logo and jerseys. THAT is school spirit. Not how much green someone can wear all day. The actual spirit days like I said don’t directly support our spirit towards our school.
    The participants are either TOO eager to look “out of the norm” because they think they are supporting “school” spirit… or they know that they don’t want to go out of their way to look like a goon. I honestly feel the grade wars will probably amp up participation a little bit because of competition but that doesn’t mean that its promoting actually “school” spirit… for example; a prep rally is to get the school pumped about the featured sports team coming up game or tournament, to get the school involved to wear their colours, come out to the game and support the SCHOOL. Our ‘school’ spirit week does not do this at all in my opinion. The closest thing we have to ‘school’ spirit during spirit week is when kids decide to wear their school jerseys that day. I don’t have a school jersey myself but I’m glad that most the people who do wear them. I am personally not fond of the school colours either but that is what a ‘school spirit week’ should be about! Actual SCHOOL spirit!

  3. I think that are school has awesome potential for having lots of school spirit. We have the right teachers that actually participate in the activities and all of the grade 12s I find have put in a lot of spirit when these weeks role around. The fault I see in our schools spirit is the people who are promoting it. These people shove it in your face and if you say you are not going they put you on a major guilt trip. When that happens people end up skipping and then all the activities that were planned go down the drain because there are so few people participating. So I feel that if we want more spirit in are school we need to find the right people to promote it in a way that appeals to everyone and have people actually enjoy it instead of feeling like it is a stupid idea and a waste of our time.

  4. spirit week has the potential, but we're just not there yet, you know what i mean? there are two types of people during spirit week, the ones who participate and the ones who do not. you always have the people who go all out, and then you have the people who want to go all out, but decide not to just in case they are the only ones. we need to not be afraid to stand out amoungest our peers, that is what spirit week is supsto be all about right? i think that the people who go all out need to share their secretes on how, and why they go all out. they should be the ones promoting spirit week, becuase they are obviously excited about it. if they could get others excited about it, and if we could get some really awesome prizes, then spirit week would be circled on everyones calendar.

  5. Well honestly I don’t know what to think about SCI’s school spirit. And really I don’t care. I personally do not have much school spirit I am just here to learn and get out of here I do not like coming to school every day I would much rather just go to work. I don’t like most of the people that go to this school we just have anything in common. There are a few people that I do like and get along with but that’s it. But back to spirit week I think it is a good idea but the ideas that they have for us to do are kind of strange what ever happened to hat day or backwards day stuff that is simple and fun (and not very expensive)??

  6. I think our school tries really hard to have school spirit but there are just too many people that don’t care. I think that if they let the students help come up with the activities that more people would want to participate.
    I also think it would be a good idea to let the students that don’t want to participate in the things like Gym Blast and Grade Wars to go into the gym and watch the games. Maybe watching these activities would make more of the students want to do it the next year.

  7. I think our school spirit is mediocre some people are all for it but there are others, such as myself, who don’t really care about it. I personally think that if you play on a sports team for the school you’re more likely to get into school spirit week and our upcoming ‘Spirit Grade Wars’. I feel that way because well come spirit week if you look at who’s dressed up and who’s not… you’ll find that the people that are dressed up are the people who play on sports teams, or are more involved with the school.
    School spirit doesn’t mean anything to me. I’m not really a fan of this school, it doesn’t really have a good rep. I can’t wait till I graduate. I think if I were more involved with the school I would want to ‘represent’ it better… but I’m not and I’ve never dressed up for spirit week, or even for Halloween. I never really understood why some people go completely out of their way for spirit days… going out and buying clothes just for spirit week is kind of stupid to me.
    Clearly getting into school spirit is just a preference for some people, it makes school more fun for most people but I don’t think I’ll ever get into it…

  8. Our school is lucky enough to even get a spirit week because a lot of schools do not get that privilege. I think that overall our school has very poor school spirit. When students get a chance to wear silly costumes or dress up not many do. There are very few students that do have school spirit, but those that do have a lot of it. I’m not so sure that spirit week is a good idea for high school students. When I was in middle school we had spirit weeks all of the time and everyone really enjoyed it. But in high school, the students are older and there is such a range in age. I think that overall people don’t care about our school.
    I have attended 1 school spirit event throughout all of high school. For me, I would rather sleep in then attend the event, or skip it and do something more fun with my friends. I have even skipped a school spirit event to do homework! I find that they just aren’t very appealing to me. The reasons I don’t want to go to any of the spirit week events is because not many students go in the first place. I don’t see the fun in 100 kids all playing activities in the gym when there could be over 700. I think if more people got involved in our spirit week events they would be very fun and successful. But at this point in time the numbers are very low.
    Personally, school spirit isn’t important to me. It was when I was in middle school and I had a lot of fun with it with my friends and the entire school. I think that in our school that we have little to no school spirit. It’s not important to me and it is not important to a lot of other students. As a grade 12 student, I do not intend to attend any spirit week activity because I feel like I’ve “been there, done that”. I think that if students want to take part in our school spirit that is great for them and for our whole school. But I think it’s just not for me.

  9. I think SCI has some school spirit but only sometimes. Like for example if there is a team within the school that is doing really good like the boys volleyball lots of people will show up at the games with blow horns and cheering our school on, but when we suck no one really comes out which is somewhat understandable, but if there is a team doing well there should be more school spirit to support that team. When we do our spirit weeks it really depends on the grade 12’s to set the tone usually. Lately these past 2 years everyone has been participating with spirit week but that’s it. It’s because there is more of a hype and time to prepare for your costumes. Spirit week is also big because during grade wars it is fun competitive which make it way more appealing.
    I think there has to be more motivation within the school to get people excited about sports games and teams and stuff. I wish being in grade 12 people were more proud than negative. I feel people complain and complain and once something is done no one has the guts or skips out on events we wanted.
    I believe school spirit is when everyone comes together as a student body and cheers on sports teams participates in school events altogether and mainly bond as a student body not only with your peers but teachers too. School spirit I believe is so important because it make your high school education fun and more exciting. I wouldn't say that a "lack of school spirit" means that the kids don't want to be at the school. I think it means that the students are just going through the process to get their education. They go to class, they go home and that's it. They may like their teachers, but it's just "school"...nothing more.

  10. I think that our school lacks spirit to say the least. It seems like the only grade that actually puts in effort for the spirit weeks and events is the grade twelve class. To me it seems like the other grades just don’t care what is going on with the rest of the school and that they are in their own worlds. It honestly seems that a lot of students are opting out of participating because they don’t want to be embarrassed when they dress up for events.
    However, I feel that this spirit week and the grade wars will increase participation amongst the students because there will be the edge of competition. The fact that we are pinning each grade against each other in a series of competitions might help the student involvement.

  11. i think school spirit is nasty,and weird because some people think they are cool and awesome and better than anyone esle, sorry if i m hurting ones feelings but i think it's just retarded>>>!

  12. I think that school spirit is a great for SCI. The reason is because everyone is having fun and it s really enjoying. I think there are some people in this school that are great role models, and have Great Spirit. I honestly love the spirit week because it’s fun to see all people dressed up and acting. Its fun I think people should be at least thankful and happy that we have such an opportunity like that. I know some schools don’t have the opportunity to do things like that, like my old school in Steinbach, really teachers would complain that student’s don’t deserve to have spirit weeks because it’s waste of time for the school. They would just not like it , and also that there were too many students in the school, like over 1000, and there were only three grades: ten’s, eleven’s, and twelve’s.
    Some people in our school complain that we have school spirits, and they just dislike it, some go home and just don’t want to participate, I think it’s actually fun, we should enjoy our school times, and also the good thing is missing classes, then we don’t have to go to class, but I guess just enjoy the fun and look what people are wearing and how they are performing and acting.

  13. school spirit is the best because we can skip classes:) ujeeeeeeeeeeh!!

  14. Our school spirit SUCKS! Myself I enjoyed the last spirit week we had. Most people don’t want to participate because they don’t want to get embarrassed or they are “to cool”. Maybe if the school plans activities that are not so silly and embarrassing more people will participate. Pajama day or hat day would be more reasonable then a day were you dress up as your favorite animal or even dress in a certain color.
    How does dressing as an animal or like my mother looked back in the 80’s have anything to do with SCHOOL spirit. We should be dressing in school colors or dress like your favorite teacher; something to do with our school. A lot of the people really enjoyed the past spirit week because of the grade wars. People like competition and people who don’t; they still participate for the fun of it. Having different activities for different cliques and types of people was a good idea to get all people to participate.

  15. I thought that school spirit was very well done. I was happy that everyone participated and we had the whole school all in on it. Also I was happy that everyone dressed up on the days we were supposed to dress up. It was nice to see that our school had school spirit.
    I thought the activities were done very well. Kids love getting out of class so having it during one of our classes was very smart. The activities were fun and everyone contributed. The only thing I didn’t like was how some people don’t dress up at all. This year it was pretty much the grade 12’s that dressed up. Most of the grade 11’s dressed up but not many 10’s or 9’s dressed up. Otherwise spirit week was planned out very good.

  16. I think our school spirit week was really good this year a lot of students got involved and dressed up for the days. Last year I thought spirit week was pretty bad, but his year everyone was involved so there was no reason to feel embarrassed because everyone was getting into it. I thought the best day was color day because that was the day that almost everyone dressed up for, and that was the same day as the dance competition and the IPod challenge. My 2 favorite events were the dance competition and the Mario kart contest. I thought the Mario contest was really intense and the school got really into it. I also liked the dance competition because everybody who danced was good, everyone in the competition had been practicing for a while and all the dances were well planned out.
    Our school has a lot of potential for spirit week in the next couple years. This was our first year so everyone was a little worried about how it might be, but in the next couple years I think that people aren’t even going to care what other people think and they are just going to go all out for spirit week. There are a lot of people who don’t care whether we have spirit week or not, but there are an also a lot of people who enjoy it, and we get to miss class. I personally think spirit week is a good idea.

  17. The school spirit was a good week because you can do what you won’t. You could dress up how you won’t. The people that don’t wont to dress they don’t have to. So people don’t say anything because you cannot dress up for everything. So I thing it was a very good set up that the people.
    The class time that we missed was a good idea. It was good that we missed just not one class that you miss every day. So it was good to have a school like this that we miss class time. Properly some schools don’t even have that.



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