Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Is E band a waste of time?

Is E band a waste of time? Do you like the shorter class or is it over before you wake up? SciSpeaks wants to know.

Thanks to Mrs. McCormick-Murta's Grade 12 ELA 40S Trans Class for this post idea


  1. I personally believe that e band is the most pointless period of the day. The class time is great if you want to sit around and chat about absolutely nothing, and from what I’ve seen that’s basically all that happens. The period is usually too short to actually get into a topic and have any time to work. This makes it hard to learn and retain the info because it’s not put to use right away. Also, if there’s any disturbance in the class it usually ruins the whole class which makes lots of wasted periods.

  2. Personally I am for E band because if you have a spare it is really nice. But for the students who need to make up a credit, want more credits or need time to study then E band really helps. The only other option instead of E band would be making the morning classes longer and they seem long enough as it is. Everything would be off balance.
    Some students think e band is a waste of time because it is such a short class and its hard to actually get any work done and to fix this problem (which I agree with) we could put certain classes in that slot which would be most beneficial to the students. Maybe for kids who have a hard time focusing in that short class can switch their schedual around so that their grades don’t suffer. I have beent to many different schools and this is the first time that there was a middle class like this I think.
    I don’t think I would change or take away E band because if it were a really big problem then I feel there are ways around it for each individual. Making other classes longer would make them drag on, which I feel they already do. I also feel that it’s a good space for people to gain that credit they need from the class they might not like and can handle only little doses of it. Making classes shorter to squeeze in that class to be longer would cause other classes to maybe be too short and also our lunch would be off. If any of the administration felt this was a problem, I’m sure we would hear about it. But until then, I was happy to have E band in our curiculim because it was a nice break class or spare to know that lunch is near.

  3. I have had an E-Band class for all four years I have been here and I can honestly say they are a waste of time. Students walk in late all the time for that class not worrying because the teachers won’t hold them in for any extra time to make up the time they wasted for being late because it is right before lunch. When that happens it causes a delay in the time that we are able to learn the material because the teacher has to back track on the stuff they just said because someone was late. So class truly starts at 11:40 because it takes that long for the class to settle and get ready.
    As for the actually learning with it being so spread out it has a tendency of letting students forget what they learned in the first semester because of the exam gaps. Most people take the exams and then say “I am done with this” then they don’t think about it till next year. So with the fact that there are two exams it is giving us a chance to forget what happened on the first exam and treat the second half of the course as a new class. Which brings me to the point that we are not reminded of the content we learned in the first part of the year unless it part of the second unit. Even when that happens it is only for a brief few days. So all in all E-Band classes just cause us to forget and become lazy with are learning.

  4. I believe that E band is not a waste of time. If you think about it, if you don’t have E band, we would need another slot for a class. If without it, that we would need more classes, we would need to make it up. The class would most likely be paid the following year. If it would had to do it the following year, we would have another year of school of only four classes and I know people would hate to make that time up.
    On the other hand, most people would disagree with me. E band is very short, and if you have a ‘rowdy’ class like the one I am in, the teacher barely gets anything said or done. Plus if we didn’t have E band, our classes would be a little longer by about ten minutes, which is more productive. Or if they didn’t want to make classes longer, lunch would be a half an hour longer. Most of SCI’s students would be happy about the longer lunch. So depending on which way you look at it is a waste of time, and a chance to make school shorter.

  5. I personally think E band is a waste of time why because in Ontario we only had 4 classes which are a lot better because I’d rather longer classes then a random class, where you can barely learn anything by the time everyone comes in and sits down.
    If we didn’t have E band we could extend the rest of our classes and we could start lunch earlier thus causing our day to be shortened.

  6. Honestly in my opinion E band is a complete waste of time. I never get anything done in my e band classes. By the time all the late people get to class, the entire class quiets down and the teacher explains what the assignment is for the day we only have about 15 minutes to complete it. Another thing I hate about E band is that it goes throughout the whole year. By second semester I’m sick and tired of the class, I’m bored with the class, the people and even sometimes the teacher. Because the class carries out through the whole school year I start to lose the motivation I need to complete my assignments and pass the course.

  7. I think E band is a big waste of time because; the class itself is not long enough to get into a topic, and get down to work. People talk in class and those little disruptions waste about half the class. So, really by the time the work gets started and the teacher finishes talking, we only have 15 minutes. Also even for those classes that start right away, the 30 minutes they have to work isn't long enough to completely the work that reaches the high school expectations, which makes it hard for most students to show their full potential, and express themselves. It is also a waste of time because kids always walk in late which is a disruption, and then those students have to be caught up on what is happening during the class. This is also something that slows the class down, and makes the teacher re-explain the topic of the class.

    Often teachers also need that little extra time to reorganize themselves for the e band class, and get the work together, or go photocopy something, which is like surrendering the power of the class to the students, and when the teacher come back, they often have a struggle regaining control of the class.

    Even with the classes that work from the beginning of class to the end, it is hard to take a lot of info away from the class. When the next class starts the day after, the topic has to be reminded to the students. This wastes more time. So, overall E Band is a waste of time.

  8. I think it's interesting that lot of students have said that if we were to lose E-Band class, the morning classes would be longer. I completely agree that E Band is a total waste of time, but I think that all of our classes could be 60 minutes and we could get in another full period. There are a few option course that I wanted to take, but couldn't fit them into my schedule. This way, we'd be able to take more classes that we are interested in, or have another spare. We could even make breaks shorter. 10 minutes is rediculous (if you don't smoke - which is a whole other topic!)

  9. In four years of high school I can honestly say that I am always the most unmotivated and bored in E band. Nothing gets done! It might be a better option to give grade nine and tens an E band class and to let elevens and twelves have a spare in that period. It truly seems that E band classes just give more homework (because you can't finish anything in class) and allow people to do whatever they want. I personally am a fan of eating lunch in that class (as i have many lunchtime clubs/committees to go to) but really? Do teachers actually think I'm focused and ready to go while I'm munching on my sandwich?

  10. total wast of tims fo shor like i dont learn noting no how from dis class u shout definetly drop this der class and make me lunch longer

    j dog out

  11. i think e band is a worthwhile class, depending on what class you have in that time slot. for example, math is the perfect class to have in e band. this is because you have enough time for a lesson and to start your assignment, then the next day you would have enough time to finish that assignment. if we got rid of e band, we would have another full class, and i dont think anyone really wants that, because the day would just seem so much longer that way. plus, i would hate to have math for a whole seventy minutes, because its easy to get bored and drift off topic.
    if youre actually gonna care enough and work, then e band is not a problem. but if your objective is to goof off and have fun, be prepared to fail a class, because e band counts just as much as anything else.

  12. E band Class..
    I think that having e band is a good thing if you have spare. But if you don't have a spare but a class instead then i think it really isn't a great idea, because you have to do the class entire year,i think that having eband in our school is useless because it's only half an hour and students that are in e band class don't feel like doing their work because it's a short class, instead they will sit and text or fool around and wait for the bell to ring so that they can zoom off for lunch.It would be better if our school would have a time schegual 60 min each class and have one hour lunch then it would be better because then some students that don't like e band then they could would be happier. I personally had eband class, and i always hated because i would sit and the teacher would talk forever and wouldn't finish until the last ten minuets before the lunch bell, and then he would give us an assignment to go home with and finsih.

  13. I think E band would not be a waste of time if we made the times more balanced. The way it is now it takes a long time to get ready and by the time the teacher explains the assignment and hands it out there is only 10 or 15 minutes left in class to do the assignment. This results in taking nearly a whole week to do one assignment or having lots of homework. We could fix this by making the other four classes between 5 and 10 minutes shorter and putting the extra time into E band. We could also change the length of lunch to fit this idea. Lunch might even get longer because of this and I'm sure all SCI students would like that. This would also give students more credits because E band could be taken over half of the year instead of the whole year. We could have 10 classes instead of 9 in a school year. The only way this wouldn't work would be if there is a rule about how much time you have to be in the class over the course of the year.

  14. E band is a waste of time becuase we never get anything done and everyone is always fooling around and i dont learn anything in school and it sucks.


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