Monday, February 21, 2011

Post a Secret

What's one thing that nobody knows about you... sad, funny, weird... the good the bad, the ugly... Tell it all


  1. I pretend to hate school but its actually my favorite part of the day.

  2. I pretend to hate school but it's actually the worst part of my day

  3. I hate how our school has nothing to do, and that it totally sucks

  4. i luv our school. of all the schools ive gone to the teachers here care way more than anywhere else. this is cool


  6. ONE THING THAT NOONE KNOWS that i pretend to like school but actually i hate it,,, its booaring SCI needs to think of better funny cool activites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I M SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

  7. I secretly don’t like most of my friends. In grade 9 it started off rocky. I lost almost every friend that I had coming from middle school. I made new friends and have now been friends with them for 4 years, but it seems that this last year of school has taken a toll. It seems that everyone just got more immature and I have become more mature. If I hang out with everyone I feel like I am a loner or just plain left out. It’s like I don’t matter or that I just am a party pooper. But like I’m sorry that I have better things to do then act like a 5 year old while in grade 12. You’re supposed to be a role model not someone that shows everyone they can treat others like crap or act like babies. I know this seems kinda harsh but it’s true. When you’re 17 or 18 years old you should be getting ready to take on multiple responsibilities and becoming an adult, not getting younger every year.
    I cannot trust any of these friends and if I do, I am terrified it will get around. Everyone is supposed to have at least one friend you can trust and count on but that person for me has now disappeared and barely talks to me. The only way they would talk to me would be if the people they talk to regularly are away. It hurts to have no one you can confide in other then a journal or councilor. People just need to understand how to actually be a true friend not just move on to the next person they become friends with, and dump off that “old” friend like they are old news.
    I must say friends have been a big part of my issues over my high school years. It hurts when your “so called best friend” just moves on and treats you like air. I wish people actually knew the truth of what I feel about it. But if I told them they for sure would have a hissy fit and then go about talk gossip and get everyone else against me. It’s just something I now have to live with till I actually meet a true friend that will be there for me through thick and thin no matter what life throws at you. And when I find it, I will treasure it because it’s something I never had.

    Oh, and while on the topic of secrets, I wish the person I have a HUGE thing for would break up with their significant other.

  8. I don't know what kind of "secrets" you're looking for on here, but honestly; I'm done with petty high school drama, cliques, rumors, drug users, and everything else. I'm done: Graduation can't come fast enough.

  9. i like school but i agree with others when they say there is nothing to do. this school needds to have more options to do at lunch and breaks. This school has to get something SOON!

  10. There are many secrets people can share, but posting them on here, even if anonymous, can lead to problems. Friends or people you know can start guessing and think it could be anyone, leading to trust issues amongst other. Secrets are kept for a reason sometimes, and mostly for the good of others. Yet I also find this to be a good way of venting, if you don’t mind others reading it. Though If I am going to post here, I may as tell a secret, which I know won’t do much harm. My secret is that I’m a huge K-pop fan, and if you don’t know what it is… you are missing out on A LOT! Be open-minded and don’t listen to the “words”, but listen and understand the feeling it gives off. So enjoy life because “We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.”

  11. I CNA/T reaD soo gud.

  12. i secretly want to go into the basement of the school and see what's down there !

  13. Secretly i have no friends. Wel... its not much of a secret reall

  14. I believe that school as not fun as it may seem it is completly necessary for life and it is made fun by hanging out with friends =D

  15. Well. this dates back to my younger days , i was with the girl and we were kissing and such then i looked down and... Chicks a dude


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