Monday, February 28, 2011

SCI exposed....

Good & Bad, Boots & Salutes, Beefs & Bouquets, the Yin & Yangs of SCI... TELL US what annoys you about SCI and what makes you smile.


  1. SCI is a good school , but what annoys me about SCI is some of the girls and people that go their. They cause so much drama , and im sick of it .

    What makes me smile about SCI , is that theirs alot of activites and stuff , but i wish they had like a dance team or soemthing like that .

  2. this school is really *$% and too many people are full of them selfs

  3. Sci is a school that has some potential. Some of the students are pretty great people as are most of the staff. Although, it is to bad you have those people who start rumors and lies, drama, etc. also, it is very cliquey and The school itself is extreamly boring…

  4. the school is a alright school I guess. There are a lot of people in it that are not… there is not much to do at lunch. And whats the deal with taking my hat off my head its not a big deal! Just let me leave it there untill I get to my locker so I don’t have to carry it. Its not like im disrespecting the school I just have a hat on!!

  5. SCI portrays itself as a school of achievement and opportunity; to say the least; it doesn’t fulfill those statements. This school is full of students with negative attitudes and no school spirit. Everyone is too 'cool' to take part in school activities. Some teachers are way too lenient towards grade nine students. This gives them the ability to do whatever they please. As for sports, it seems that funding, time and commitment is only put into volleyball and hockey. There are plenty of other sports that could use a little boost in recognition. The teachers do their best to accommodate their students as best as they can and I've seen too many times of disrespectful students taking advantage of that.

  6. To be honest i would say that my other school was way better then this one... there were more activites and more fun... i would say here are so many people that are just full of themselves and alot of them act like they are pros, well i do understand every person tries to be better than the other, also it annoys me that there are alot of smokers in this school who think smoking is cool but really it isn't , it just recks ur entire life!Seriously people,well if you guys don't agree it sup to urselves.. also our school couldve been way friendlier than it is now, i really think our students in this school to to be more freindly and respect all people in this school even if they are from a different countries(EX: aboriginals,and other people that come from different places like Europe). Otherwise our school is not that bad id say it doesn't matter to me anymore, kuz this is my last year!!!!!!!! WHOHOOOOOO!

  7. There are a few things that I hate about this school but this one is a major pain. It is the people that crowd the hallways. They stand there and are completely rude to you and if you try and get by them even if you ask nicely they swear and glare and you. I feel this is a school and the whole point we are here is to learn and go to class, but we can’t do that if people are standing in the middle of the hall blocking people’s ways. It’s not right and just plain rude for people to do that. They think it there right to stand there when really they are just being a menace to the whole school. There is not a student or teacher that I have not heard complain about this. We have a cafeteria, people should use that area to talk or find a place that is not in the road of the people who are trying to get somewhere. The hallways are small enough already without people blocking them.

  8. What annoys me the most about SCI is how some of the people act towards each other and how stuck up some of the students here can be. What makes me smile is the fact that I’m graduating this year!

  9. i also do not like the new gym thing. how you have to do 55 hours at home that is BS!!!!!

  10. SCI overall to me is an alright school. There is nothing really to complain about the school. The classes are good, there are plenty of activities going on at lunch and outside of school and the teachers are usually nice. What bugs me is sometimes you will get the odd teacher that seems to pick on you or mark you harder than other students, which I find very unfair. With me, I had a teacher this past semester and always seemed to mark me harder than everyone else. I did all the same work, same effort, and I am always a good student. But yet I still end up with a poor mark. (In my opinion). In past years I have gotten in the 90’s and high 80’s, but this time I got a 79%. I found that very unfair. I put a lot of effort into that class and I felt it was discriminating against me. I was always the one that this teacher picked on. My work wasn’t good enough and told me what to change and everything. Like why can’t I have my own idea and do it my way, its meeting all your criteria. Just because you don’t like my idea/topic doesn’t mean it’s your choice to change it. I would get told to do better here, change that, that doesn’t look right. Yet other students around me get oh that looks great and oh good idea. My stuff isn’t that different! Why me?! But yet some things that make me smile about the school is that there are a few teachers that truly care about me and will do anything to help. It makes me smile that they look out for me, help me when I need it (or don’t need it) and at the least ask me how my day is or was. It’s nice to know that there actually are people who care about you if you don’t know it. If your friends are being rude or don’t have friends at all at least the teacher is friendly and will have a conversation with you.

  11. I agree that Springfield Collegiate has a lot of great activities but like what has been said before… some of the other students ruin it. I came to this school in grade 10 and have yet to be accepted by anyone and I’m in grade 12. Most people who go here have gone to school with the same people for a long time and are afraid of change and making new friends so it makes it very hard to gain friends. Some of the teachers are great! But I feel that most teachers are too comfortable with their students and that can cause some hurtful jokes that come from them or not very respectful attitudes towards each other. I love Mr. Ilchena. He’s very understanding and really easy to talk to.
    Students just ruin my fun here. I will not buy a graduation ring and I regret buying a graduation sweater because I am NOT proud to have gone here and even though I plan to live just out of the city when I get a house… I’ll be damned if my kids will go here. Every school has their reputation of students … some have violent students, some have smarter students but we have snobby students. And when we have snobby students it really affects everyone in a mental and physical way. Mentally everyone is in a constant competition that no one wins. In everyone’s fetal attempt to be accepted by the rich, snobby, “I’m better than you attitude” people, it can lead to physical stress… whether that be the need to be buff, or skinny, straight/curly/short/long hair, the sports you MUST be involved in and just plain fatigue from depression it can cause. Everyone is different. I personally feel nothing but an outcast, a loser and alone at this school.

  12. Within this school there isn’t much I hate. My only problem would be how small and crowded the hallways can be. When there is a group of friends walking, they normally walk side-by-side, taking up most of the hallway, and yet they manage to walk extremely slowly. It gets annoying when you are the person behind that line, and you are trying to get somewhere in a hurry. When you ask them to move or just squeeze by them, they tend to glare and get “snooty”. So that’s the first problem with the hallways. The second is similar to the first one, but instead the groups would just stand in the middle of the already small enough hallways and just talk. They are being inconsiderate of those around them and cause the flow of people to become somewhat chaotic and claustrophobic. If they could just move a few feet over and stand by the wall, it would make things a bit better. I mean come one people! It isn’t really that hard.
    Now what I think is good in this school. The people here can be very nice, and considering how bad some schools can get, we are pretty good on not bullying each other. There is also a lot of activities for people to do

  13. SCI exposed
    SCI to me is a school that has potential but the people that represent the school need to learn some sonority manners, what I mean by this is when a grade (9, 10, 11) student is walking towards you the polite thing for them to do is move out of the way, because we have been here for 4 years and we demand respect we did that for other grads, so it would be nice to receive the favor. That is the first thing that annoys me. The second thing that annoys me is that when you are at the school there is nothing to do besides intramurals and silly clubs (ISCF). Things that I like about the school is the smallish class sizes, it is easier to get the attention of a teacher. Another thing is that we have lots of computer so it’s nice to know you have a place to work.

  14. Good & Bad about SCI
    Brandi Crones –
    I think SCI is a pretty decent school, I enjoy coming here, except there should be more to do on spare’s and lunch, rather than wander around looking for something to do. I like the teachers and the general environment. I’m also super happy that I’m graduating this year

    The only problem I really have with it is the people that stand in the hallways with their little groups of friends when people are trying to walk by.

  15. People are sometimes dumb, they don't know how to spell. I think that is a reflection on the teaching..

  16. its ok ijuss i don learn much but its great for finding new insults

  17. this school is the worst palace i have ever been in

  18. ...partially edited by the scispeaks hit team of editors

    looking at the comments so far it also seems the teachers fail to teach grammar properly. - also Missunderstood, you are absolutely right. With the addition of the half-a-million dollar houses in oakbank over the past few years many rich families have moved to oakbank, also Oakbank is the bedroom community for Winnipeg, all the scared yuppie white people live here. How many immigrants go to SCI,?Very few, which causes lots of unnoticed racism to happen, 90% of the students have never had a complete conversation with a person from another part of the world. They're confined to their safe little bubble and they don't know what the world is really like because their parents buy them everything they want and life has been so easy for them. I swear to god the past couple years, with the addition of Aspen lakes and the other developments, the pompous, preppy and small-minded people have increased tenfold, when my sibling graduated people were normal. Most of the kids in this town would never survive in a city school!!!!


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