Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Are video games addicting?

Are your hands permanently clutched in the shape of a video game controller? Have you ever stayed up all night obsessed with beating your best score? At school do you spend all your time in the labs playing addicting games, and has playing them ever impacted your focus on school work? SCI Speaks wants to know, are video games addicting?


  1. I do not think that all people that play video games and like them will become addicted to them. I know this because I play video games and I am not addicted at all I do enjoy playing games and have stayed up all night playing them but people cannot become addicted to video games. If you quit something and do not go through withdrawal you are not addicted that is just ridicules.

  2. Blog 3
    Scott Schroeder
    Are Video games addictive?
    In a word, yes. Video games can cause endorphins and other feel good chemicals to be released in the brain. The question seems to suppose that an addiction is a bad thing. This is not necessarily the case. Many activities release these same chemicals and hormones including running, jumping, and flower arranging. The problem arises when a person begins to prioritize a game above their real life. When excessive amounts of time are poured into a game then it is appropriate to worry. The real question though is “Is this a problem that society needs to pass laws about?”. The answer is no. Addiction is primarily a social problem not a judicial problem. When someone you know is suffering from an addiction it is not the place of the lawmakers to push them forcefully back onto a more traditional path. It is up to that person to decide how they want to spend their lives because addiction or no, we all have the choice.

  3. Video games are addicting but it depends on the type of person you’re talking to. I’m not personally addicted to them, I hardly ever play them. When I do play them though I spend a good hour or two until I finally give up because I can’t get past a certain part in the game. That being said video games have never affected my school work, and I’ve never stayed up late playing them. I do sometimes play video games on the school computer, but that’s only if I’m trying to kill time.

  4. I honestly think it depends on the person and if they even like video games. I personally don’t play video games and if I do play them I get bored. There are many games that I would like to play but I have no drive to play them because I think games are addicting.
    My brother is an example of how games are addicting. He gets home from school and that is the first place he goes is to his PS3. If I or my dad says supper is ready, he would say “okay, be right there” but yet wouldn’t show up for another 20 minutes. It’s always “okay, after this level” but then you say it again, yet again it’s “after this level”. By the time bed comes around he wouldn’t go to bed till around midnight or one in the morning because he is too into playing his games.
    These games and how they are so addicting reflects on everything else. If you’re too set on your game you’re playing then you wouldn’t get your homework done or get work around the house done. Also you could be poor company if you have people over and they may feel ignored and the point of them there has no meaning.
    All in all yes games are addicting, and have sucked in many people.

  5. Addicting Video Games?
    Before I state my opinion I’d like to start with a quote,
    "What we've known from other studies is that video gaming addiction looks similar to other addictions. But what wasn't clear was what comes before what. Gaming might be a secondary problem. It might be that kids who are socially awkward, who aren't doing well in school, get depressed and then lose themselves into games. We haven't really known if gaming is important by itself, or what puts kids at risk for becoming addicted," said Douglas A. Gentile, an associate professor of psychology at Iowa State University in Ames
    I truly believe that there must be a stepping stone problem to the video game dilemma before it becomes a full out addiction. I find kids who have friends will still play video games with each other and alone but would be less upset about them being taken away because they still have friends to lean on and play or “hang out” with. Also I know my fair share of so called ‘socially awkward’ people and I find them almost always ‘addicted’ to something. Some are addicted to video games, some reading books, some even facebook.
    I also believe that every person on this planet has an addictive personality. I feel everyone is addicted to happiness and feeling good about themselves. I feel this addiction causes addictions to things that make them feel like this. Some addictions are demeaned as ‘less important’ but I feel no matter how sever your addiction might be, it consumes your life. Some people are fortunate enough to have a healthy dose of happiness and balance in their life, no making them crave it as much. But some of us are not so fortunate.
    Video games are also challenging. For those people who find happiness in video games or turn to video games because of ‘social awkwardness’ to feel accepted they are also very determined people which I respect. When I play video games I get angry fast and have no patience. Some people are incredibly gifted in patience and strategizing and just because you like doing what you’re good at I don’t feel you should be labeled as addicted.
    But in conclusion I feel that everyone has an addiction to something for some reason, some are healthy and some are not. Some people need the happiness their addiction brings. I ultimately feel we all strive to be happy, loved and wanted. No matter who you are you’ve been bullied at least once in your life that has really hurt you and made you miss when you were a carefree kid who was loved no matter what. I feel that bullying, today’s society and the current image of the ‘ideal’ person ultimately causes the addiction to happiness, which is the starter to any other addiction, be it small, big, minor or serious.

  6. Are you an addict?
    Don’t bother denying it; at some point in the vast majority of people’s lives, they have played a video game. But how many of those people are addicts?
    Video games are purposely made to be addicting. If they were not addicting, then why would people play them? The types of games that are most addicting are the ones that don’t have any breaks; for example, role playing games, and certain “apps” for the iPod or black berry, like iJewels (similar to bejeweled) and world of war craft, or runescape. These games don’t stop, they are a continuous adventure (world of war craft, runescape), or level (iJewels). People can play the game on their iPod or iPad until the system runs out of batteries and shuts down.
    Why is this though? When someone is using an app on their iPod, most of the time (game wise) it’s to pass the time. I personally play a game on my iPod while watching T.V during a commercial break.
    An addiction is an addiction, and generally they are not good things (unless your addicted to homework) with addictions, it’s hard to stop even for a day. You dream about the game, and can’t focus very well for wanting to play the game. Yes it’s true; addictions have lead to deaths (of either the addicted player, or the person attempting to help the addicted player stop) so how can you stop that from happening? Well there is no way that any one is ever going to be able to rid the world of video games. We need control in our lives, and for people who are games addicts, they either need more control, or to go out and do something else they like to do, like swimming, or laser tag. Go out! Enjoy what the real world has to offer!
    video games are only addicting if you make them addicting.

  7. Addiction- the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma. That is the definition of addiction. To take that definition into consideration I feel that if someone pushes anything to the extreme that they will become addicted to it. I don’t care that people say they are not addicted to video games they can or maybe already are. If you want to put an effort into a world that doesn’t even really exist I feel that it is addiction that could lead to a person becoming un- social or worse not trying in life because they need to finish the next level. I am not saying that it is not fun to sit down and play some games with your family it is when you are going into your room, basement or living room and sitting there after school and not moving till you need to sleep that you have a problem.

  8. Video games are addicting...
    In my opinion, I think that video games are really addicting. I personally don’t play video games because it‘s such a waste of time playing when there are a lot of other things that have to be done. But I would agree with some people that video games are addicting, because I know some of my friends that play video games every night and they want to play and play till they win. They can’t stop playing until they get a certain amount of scores. It really pulls them and drags them playing a game that they played for a while. They get so obsessed with the games and some don’t want to sleep or eat or do the other things, that they have to do, like homework or chores.
    I know I used to play computer games and I would want to play and play till I would beat my other friends at scores. But then after awhile I thought over it that playing video games won’t bring anything good and it’s just waste of time. Maybe it depends on the person who is playing and how they play computer or video games but I think video games are addicting. Yes, video games may be fun to play and try to win something and I know it’s really entertaining but personally they don’t affect me. I have other things that I use and do.

  9. Are video games addicting ?
    Brandi Crones-
    I do think that video games are addicting to some people, to the point where children are reenacting scenes from their favorite games, or a representative violent act. I know many people who just can’t put the controller down for the life of them, one is only age 7 and I have yet to see him go an hour without playing or talking about a video game. He walks around with his Nintendo DS, puts that down, turns on the game cube, once he’s bored with that, he turns on his Atari , once he’s done with that, he plays on the Wii . It’s ridiculous how many games he has for these systems also , I didn’t think you could possibly love video games so much. The only thing is , he is actually learning good things from his games. Useful information is coming from him playing these games. He took apart a VCR, and a toy truck , and is putting them back together to build himself a robot . I asked him where he learnt it and he said that there was this video game that he played, and they were playing as robots. He wanted one, so he started making himself one. I was amazed at the fact that at age 7 he even knew how to take apart a VCR. It’s not always bad things coming from video games, but there are many bad things that could come from it as well. Constant vision on a television screen can be very straining to eyes as well as the plenty of other things that can come from it. Addiction to video games is very possible for many people, I personally don’t have the time for video games, but for people that do , they can become very attached to their games.

  10. 43 days on cod and still counting

  11. Video games are addicting for sure!!! I hate video games. There is so much better and important thing to do in my spare time and in my life, but I do know people who are addicted and video games and electronics. It is becoming a major problem.

    My little brother will wake up at 5am get ready for school (which takes him 10min) then play on the PS3 until we have to leave for the bus at 7:45. He brings his PSP to school every day plays games on the bus ride to and from school. I’m not sure what or how much he plays at school but I’m sure he does quite a bit. When we get home guess what he does!? HE PLAYS VIDEO GAMES! When my dad or mom gets home from work they kick him off of the TV to watch the news then… he goes to his bedroom and plays on the PS2! If he gets kicked of that or grounded he will go on the computer and play games. If my father catches him he will go into my room and steal my DS because I don’t use it.

    So in this case video games have taken over his life and are addicting. He won’t do anything but play, play and PLAY! He doesn’t play any school sports anymore or even do his homework. He doesn’t do anything with the family anymore because he is “too busy”.


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